Building the Open Bridge
2024 Spring Learning Experience Workshop
These workshops were prerequisites to a Learning Experience session to help students develop Python code stored in GitHub that will aggregate the traffic data every few seconds and send current traffic data to an existing web service, with a map and dashboard reporting current traffic conditions.
2021 Building The Open Bridge Sessions
Below, you will find event recordings that will guide you through gaining a better understanding of Red Hat, open source, and different technologies and methodologies used in the work environment.
Building the Open Bridge Day |
Introducing you to the Open Source Way - Here you’ll learn a few fundamentals about Red Hat, open source, preparing for a career at Red Hat or other companies, as well as an introduction to different technologies and methodologies used in the work environment. With Kimla Lee (Co-lead of B.U.I.L.D. Campus/University Committee), Ron T. Brown (Co-lead of B.U.I.L.D. Campus/University Committee), Koren Townsend (Chair of B.U.I.L.D. D&I group), and Clarence Clayton (Former Chair of B.U.I.L.D. D&I group) | Rodrique Heron (Senior Solution Architect) and Brandon Simms (Associate Consultant) dive into the details of Open Source by defining what it is, outlining its principles, describing its benefits, and positioning why we should care about these things. | Greg Tinsley (Consulting Architect) and Khary Mendez (Senior Principal Consultant) give you an overview of the collaborative participation and open exchange of information that open source technologies provide. |
Trisha Turlington (Senior Business Development Management) and John Walter (Training Solutions Architect) discuss the Red Hat Academy program focusing on why it was created, its features, courses and certifications it provides, and its proven impact. You will learn about the Red Hat Learning Community, student ambassadors, Linux and Red Hat Enterprise Linux (RHEL), and more. | Gerard Fulton (Senior Consultant) and Humberto Ojeda (Senior Consultant) detail the five Principles of Empowerment – Economic, Socialization, Governance, Promotion, and Education – that are foundational for building a community. | Marie Nordin (Fedora Community Action & Impact Coordinator) and Matthew Miller (Fedora Project Leader) introduce you to the Fedora Project: a community of people working together to build a free and open source software platform and to collaborate on and share user-focused solutions built on that platform. |
Rashan Smith (Associate Consultant), Donald Grant (Senior Consultant), Benny Fields III (Senior Consultant), and Robert Skruhak (Consultant) give you a primer on GIT: the most widely used modern version control system in the world today. | Larissa Herbert (Senior Talent Acquisition Specialist), Shae Osborn (Talent Scout), and Christina Grant (Lead Principal Talent Advisor) talk about career preparation; focusing on the importance of internships, acing your interview, and what comes after you’ve received an offer. | Kimla Lee, Ron T. Brown, and Greg Tinsley return for the closing session on the Open Source Way. |